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On January 1, 1949, by order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR No. 739 of December 9, 1948, the Alma-Ata Anti-plague station was transformed into the Central Asian Research Anti-Plague Institute, which was headed by Mukhamedrahim Kuandykovich Tleugabylov. During the years of his leadership (1949-1962), the anti-plague institute turned into a large modern research institution of that time, being a methodological, advisory scientific center of Kazakhstan and the republics of Central Asia.

For 25 years, from 1962 to 1987, the director of the institute was Masgut Aikimbayevich Aikimbayev, whose name is now the Kazakh Scientific Center for Quarantine and Splinter Infections. This was the heyday of the institute, the expansion of the spheres of its scientific and industrial activities.

The scientific work of the Institute was led at various times by V. V. Shunaev, V. S. Petrov, N. N. Klassovsky, A. M. Aikimbayev. The priority tasks were the development and implementation of new directions in the practice of the anti-plague service to create a coherent system of epidemiological surveillance of the plague and other OOI. It was in those years that the foundations were laid for the study of ecology, epizootology, epidemiology, microbiology and laboratory diagnostics of OOI. Performing administrative work, they were engaged in scientific research, the development of new scientific directions, participated in anti-epidemic measures, the development of medical immunobiological drugs.

The leading researchers of the Institute at that time were widely erudite and professional people. I want to remember them. The main qualities of these researchers were selfless dedication to their favorite work. After all, many of them joined the ranks of the fight against the plague when there was no streptomycin yet and every day of work in the hearth or at the laboratory table was associated with a risk to life.

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